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Ketep Pass Magelang Indonesia

Ketep Pass is a mountain tourism is one of the mainstays in the province of Central Java. This tourist attraction located in the District Sawangan, Kab. Magelang, Prov. Central Java. About 3 hours journey from provincial capital, Semarang, or 1 hour from the city of Magelang.
Sights Ketep Pass Magelang district is particularly volcano Object Nature Tourism Ketep Merapi.Obyek Mountain Pass is located at height of 1200 m dpl.Luas area of ​​about 8000 msq 30 kms from the city of Magelang.
Form 2 pieces each with its own gazebo sized rectangular and octagonal building with a long length of the five meter.Tempat to see the natural beauty of Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu.Serta farms in both the foot of Mount tersebut.Sambil enjoy food and drink provided by the merchants around the object.

Pass the end of the section there is a viewing post Ketep provided binoculars to see Mount Merapi. Views of Mount Merapi from Ketep Pass close enough and clearly visible. But when a late morning, Mount Merapi has been covered by fog so not clearly visible. We recommend visiting Ketep Pass in the morning so I could see the panorama of Mount Merapi are clear, even if lucky can simultaneously enjoy the adjoining Merbabu.
From Yogyakarta toward Magelang melwati Muntilan. Entering fork Blabak Muntilan-north, take the road to the left. Passing Line Selo-Borobudur-Solo 28km so far. Location Ketep Pass located dipuncak Sawangan hill.

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